Here is my latest and updated collection of the best five twitter, Facebook or Tumblr status that I found today! Enjoy them, share them and bookmark (Google+ etc) this site! Basically, hope you enjoy these quotes and sayings!
More Best Status Quotes
- For April Fools Day, I think Facebook should switch the search box and the status update box around. So people would post updates on who they stalk.
- Condom says to the tampon, "You put me out of a job for 1 week a month!"
The tampon replies, "When you don't do your job properly, I lose mine for 9 months!" - "If a book about failures doesn't sell is it a success"
- "It's hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by turkeys"
- "I don't get drunk... I get AWESOME! "
Short Joke
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Main (keywords) used to find this blog are best, top, latest, status, quotes, sayings, quotes, It's hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by turkeys
Bonus of a tribal eagle image
Tribal Griffin Eagle