Enjoy and share our great quotes and images for those brave Diabetics who need a positive lift!
Diabetes, I hate you
"Diabetes is a major pain in the pancre-ASS!"Diabetes is not for wimps
I am stronger than Diabetes. I am going to be around til there is a cure!
Diabetes should only be a word. Not a life sentence. Find a cure!
"Grind My Gears Memes"
"Type 1 Diabetic Community Meme"
"My Face Diabetic Meme"
"Going To Be High Again Diabetic Meme"
"Trail Of Test Strips Diabetic Meme"
Darling Then Demon
I hate diabetes but I love a cure
Diabetics are naturally sweet!
Diabetes or not! I will be there for you!
Diabetes is not for WIMPS!
Diabetes-I Hate You
The High and Lows Of Diabetes
Diabetes Or Not. I Still Love You!
Keep Calm and Test Your Glucose
The Evasive Sweet Spot Between High and Low
Diabetes Thoughts
Please don't sugarcoat it, I am a diabetic.
Blood sugar- The world's best scrapegooat.
Laughter is the best medicine. Well, unless you are a diabetic, then insulin is probably better
"Walk for a cure?" Wouldn't it be faster if we ran?
When you don't know any other Type 1 diabetics and you find a online Type 1 diabetic community
Managing your diabetes is not a science, it is an art!
Keep Calm and Carry Test Strips
Watch Out! I'm A DIABADASS
No Sugar Added. I'm Naturally Sweet!
Dear Diabetes God, please bless us with good numbers today.
"Hope & Cure - Tattoo For Diabetics"
"Diabetic Group Tattoo!"
"Diabetic Hand Tattoo!"
"Diabetic Rose Ribbon Tattoo"
"Diabetic Tee Shirt"
"Diabetic Tee Shirt"
"Diabetic Neck Tattoo"
"Juvenile Diabetic Tattoo"
"Type 1 Diabetic Tattoo"
"Hope For A Cure Diabetic Tattoo"
"Somebody I love needs a cure Tattoo"
"Diabetic Tattoo"
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