![I miss the time when you just wanted to spend every second of your life with me!, quote by BrianMc](https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2922/14791714405_949183aacb_o.png)
Every Second
Here is another of today's collection of the top 5 facebook statuses that you can use on your Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account.
- A good understanding comes only after a long war between two hearts.
- Relationship with GOD is the best relationship you can have. Trust him and everything will turn out fine.
- I know GOD has bigger & better plans for me than I have for myself.
- Adjustment with right people is always better than argument with wrong ones.
- You can learn so much from your mistakes. So don’t regret them learn from them.
- I miss the time when you just wanted to spend every second of your life with me!
(Bonus quote)
[Paperback]">The Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing [Paperback]Click Here
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