

Diabetes - I HATE YOU

Diabetes - I HATE YOU! Yes, I do really really hate you! I hate the way that you treat my closest friend!
The way, you control her life! You are nothing but a very abusive prick!
It saddens me the why, you control her moods and how you control her life!
Basically, what I am saying, is that it saddens me to watch someone that I really care about, go through all stuff (needles, sugar lows and highs etc) daily, just to live.

I have include some quotes about Diabetes below. Be sure to share these quotes and share your hatred for Diabetes in my comment section!
Let fight back and kick that bully called, "Diabetes" in the place where the sun don't shine!

Diabetes Pictures
  1. Diabetes, I hate you, best, Sometimes Naughty and Sometimes Nice, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, nice
    Diabetes, I hate you

  2. Diabetes, is not for wimps best, Sometimes Naughty and Sometimes Nice, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, niceDiabetes is not for wimps

  3. Stronger than diabetes, cure, best, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, nice
    I am stronger than Diabetes. I am going to be around til there is a cure!

  4. Diabetes should only be a word,cure, best, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, nice
    Diabetes should only be a word. Not a life sentence. Find a cure!
  5. Diabetics are naturally sweet,cure, best, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, nice
    Diabetics are naturally sweet!
  6. I hate diabetes but I love a cure, best, facebook, quotes, images, naughty, nice
    I hate diabetes but I love a cure

  7. Diabetes or not! I will be there for you!

  8. Diabetes is not for WIMPS!

Resources to check out
  1. Inspirational Diabetis Quotes Pinterest

  2. Diabetes Inspirational Quotes

  3. Top Seven Gifts For Diabetics
  4. Chocolate Marble Vanilla Cheesecake Diabetic Recipe
  5. Top Ten Diabetic Recipe
  6. Diabetic Triggers
  7. Cinnamon Pumpkin Torte Diabetic Recipe
  8. Banana Bread Diabetic Recipe
  9. Diabetes StumbleUpon

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Inspirational Diabetes Quotes

  1. I was determined to share my positive approach and not let diabetes stand in the way of enjoying my life. by Paula Deen

  2. When enough people care about autism or diabetes or global warming, it helps everyone, even if only a tiny fraction actively participate. by Seth Godin

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Main phrases (keywords) that are used to find this blog are best, diabetic, Diabetics are naturally sweet, diabetis, hate, inspirational, love, quotes
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  • updated by BrianMc

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