

Every Second

I miss the time when you just wanted to spend every second of your life with me!, quote by BrianMc
Every Second

Here is another of today's collection of the top 5 facebook statuses that you can use on your Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr account.
  1. A good understanding comes only after a long war between two hearts.

  2. Relationship with GOD is the best relationship you can have. Trust him and everything will turn out fine.

  3. I know GOD has bigger & better plans for me than I have for myself.

  4. Adjustment with right people is always better than argument with wrong ones.

  5. You can learn so much from your mistakes. So don’t regret them learn from them.

  6. (Bonus quote)
  7. I miss the time when you just wanted to spend every second of your life with me!

A bigger collection of best Facebook status can be found at Best Facebook Status Ever

Best Facebook Status Presents

[Paperback]">The Facebook Guide to Small Business Marketing [Paperback]Click Here

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