

Strong people stand up for themselves. Stronger people stand up for others

Here is my latest collection of the best five twitter, Facebook or Tumblr status that I found today! Enjoy them, share them and bookmark this site! Basically, Enjoy!
More Best Status Quotes
  1. You can’t always control who walks into your life but you can control which window to throw them out.

  2. Sometimes it’s not the song that makes you emotional, It’s the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.

  3. Relationship is not holding hands while you understand each other. Its about having lots of misunderstandings and still not leaving each other’s hand.

  4. Strong people stand up for themselves. Stronger people stand up for others.

  5. Life can be happier and stress free if we have all that we desire. But time will give us all that we deserve.

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Main (keywords) used to find this blog are Twitter status, Facebook status, Life can be happier and stress free if we have all that we desire. But time will give us all that we deserve.
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    Relationship Status, image by BrianMcRelationship Status
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