


Karma! What is karma? Okay that is a great question. To me, karma basically is "what goes around comes around"

If you treat people bad, sooner or later, bad things (worst things) will start to happen to you!

If you lie all the time, people will stop beleiving you and think that every word coming out of your mouth is a lie. Like the old story about the "boy who cried wolf", basically a farm boy when alone guaridn farm animals was bored and wanted attention, so he yelled at the top of his lungs, ""..the people that heard him m, ran to his rescue only to find no wolf...well the farm boy did this a few time and the people came to his rescue for a wold that wasn't there. Finally there was a real wolf, the farm boy yelled wolf and no one showed up because they just didn't believe him. Another way, Karma can affect a lair, is sooner or later, a lie will be told, that will affect the lair in a bad way.

Karma is mysterious and something not to mess around with.

On that note, here are our top six "Karma" related quotes

  1. What goes around comes back around!,Karma
    What goes around comes back around, Karma!

  2. Treat people as you would like to be treated! Karma's only a bitch if you are
    Treat people as you would like to be treated! Karma's only a bitch if you are

  3. Hardest part of my day is being nice to stupid people, original, Sometimes Naughty, Sometimes Nice, pics, facebook, quotes, images
    True Believer In Karma-Sandra Bullock

  4. Karma has no menu you get served exactly what you deserved, adapted quote by BrianMc
    Karma has no menu you get served exactly what you deserved

  5. I Saw That -Karma Quote

  6. I am taking notes - Karma

  7. Karma has no deadlines

  8. People who create their own drama, deserve their own karma
  9. Video,What goes around comes back around!,Karma
    Karma Video
    What goes around comes back around,

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