

What Would You Do If You Became Rich?

What would you do if you became rich?
Let's say that you suddenly became a millionaire overnight?
How would you spend your sudden wealth?
  1. Would you help out family, loved one and or friends?

  2. Would you move to a tropical island?

  3. Would you take care of your debts and set yourself up to live comfortably for the rest of your life?

  4. Would you take care of your needs and donate the remainder to charity?

  5. I would buy this blog of yours and take it offline!

  6. Would you buy some WD40 and a plunger for your boss to assist him/her in removing your foot from his/her a$$.(to be more polite, tell your boss that you quit.) lol

  7. How about buy a horse and ride off into the sunset?

  8. Would you have a lavish wedding and honeymoon? Maybe for yourself or a loved one?

  9. Set up your grandchildren, so they can go to college, university and or live comfortably

What would you do if you suddenly became rich?

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