

Best Twitter Facebook Status

Best Twitter Facebook Status. Looking to add some life to your status on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr? Well, here is my latest and updated collection of the best five Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr status that I came across today! Enjoy them, share them on your timeline and bookmark (Google+ etc) this site! Hope you enjoy these quotes and sayings! Be sure to leave your own favorite Facebook status in the comment section!
More Best Status Quotes- There Are A Lot Of Them
  1. Deleting your Facebook is like running away from home. You're only doing it for attention and you'll be back in a day.

  2. Sometimes I wish my dog could talk…then I remember all the things he has seen me do when I’m alone.

  3. I imagine a future where every Sunday, instead of going to church, we all meet up to do science for an hour.

  4. You can only fight so much for a relationship until eventually you just give up.

  5. I’m the king of balancing more trash on top of an already full trash can.

  6. Juvenile Tattoo, love you Kelly Racicot, BrianMc
    "Juvenile Diabetic Tattoo"

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