

Top Five Facebook Status-13

I have been collecting some of the humorous and amusing Quotes that are found on your Facebook pages and walls each day. So on that note. Here is my latest collection of the best five facebook, twitter,or Tumblr status that I came across today! Enjoy them, share them and bookmark this site! Basically, Enjoy!
For more Best Status Quotes
  1. People are made to be loved and money is made to be used. The confusion in the world is... Money is being loved and people are being used.

  2. Yesterday I caught myself smiling for no reason. Then I realized I was thinking of you.

  3. One more day without you is one more day closer to being with you.

  4. If I text you, it means I miss you. If I don’t text you, it just means Im waiting for you to miss me.

  5. I’m tired of missing you, I just want you right here by my side.

  6. My Two Promises
    I promise to play
    with your hair til
    you fall asleep!
    I promise to love
    and respect you forever!

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Main (keywords) used to find this blog are I’m tired of missing you, I just want you right here by my side,twitter, facebook, status
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