

Success is relative.The more success, the more relatives.

If you have enemies, eminem quote, adapted by BrianMc
If you have enemies..

Success is relative.The more success, the more relatives. is my saying for today (October 16th)!

Quote of the day: "Tennis is like marrying for money. Love has nothing to do with it." by Phyllis Diller

Word of the day: osculate - verb: to kiss; to touch lightly

October 16th is the 289th day of the year (290th in a leap year) and there are 75 days left until the end of the year.

If today is your Birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

If you would like your birthday or a family member, or even a friends birthday included in my "Birthday List", just leave a comment with all the pertinent information like Name, nickname, occupation and date of birth!

Mississippi College Money

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