

Shiftless people don't get into high gear.

Inflation Short Joke

Shiftless people don't get into high gear. is my saying for today (October 21st)!

Quote of the day: "If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead." by Erma Bombeck

Word of the day: magniloquent - adjective: boastfully pompous

October 21st is the 294th day of the year (295th in a leap year) and there are 70 days left until the end of the year.

If today is your Birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

If you would like your birthday or a family member, Or even a friends birthday included in my "Birthday List", just leave a comment with all the pertinent information like Name, Nickname, occupation and date of birth!

  • My niche of the Day is Sheep Jokes!

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