

#R.O.A.K. Blog Review!

This thread is very unusal for me. Usually, I try to promote my sites or share some information that I feel might help other people out! That just one side of my personality.

But every now and then, I don't mind doing a R.O.A.K. (Random Act Of Kindness)! Especially when I can remian anonymous. I strongly believe in the "Givers Gain" attitude, another way to put that I believe in Karma (what goes around, comes around)!

So now you're probably wondering what is he rambling on about..(did I guess right?)

Well, let me get to the heart of the matter! When I opened my emails today, I recieved a notice that I recieved a PM (private message) at a forum that I regularly partipate in.

Now this PM was from a person that I have gotten to known, well as best as you can known a person from reading their forum postings!

My impression of this person is that "she" is a very spiritually grounded person, tries to help others out to the best of here abilities, not aggressive..guess you are getting a my drift! Hopefully there is someone like this in your life!

Anyway..this person asked me if I can review her new blog and even said that if I need her help..all I have to do is ask!

Well here my review of your blog "whoareyou" (her forum name!)

The following review is for Doing Surveys Online or as she "titled" her blog..Earn Money At Home While Having Fun ! Might as well,check out either of the links, to see what I am referring too.

(putting on my SEO hat here)

  1. Great use of "keywords" in blog url (!

  2. Page loaded fast, which is standard for

  3. Really love the background images (text books on a shelf), not to bold and yet gives a postive impression..

  4. The colors that are used on the homepage (font, posting titles), I find to be visually appealing (if I didn't base this blog on my site "" , I sure would use a similiar layout!

(Here are some of the things that I would change)

  • Break up the paragraphs into smaller paragraphs (even sentences) for example..

    All you do is sign up for free and start making money. There is also a two tier level referral system into this

    All you do is sign up for free and start making money.

    (leave a space and start a new sentence)There is also a two tier level referral system

  • Capitilize all the proper nound (Brands like)the following.. ipods, sony playstation, xbox360,and a playstation 3.

  • Bold or use italics for some of the main keywords! Maybe even use "italics" on some of the questions..kinda like this What's the best way to get started?

  • Probably the last "content" suggetion! Reword the content, make it less cookie cutter (show some uniqueness)! I like content that make me feel that the writer is talking to me personally

    This end my part one review of Doing Surveys Online !

    Stay tuned for part two!

    Also feel free to leave your suggestions maybe tips in a comment here!
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