

How many times do I have to flush before you go away?

Real classy things to say when you are Stressed (1)

Welcome to my Stressed Out posting. You will find some line to say to people when they stressed you out.

Most of these lines, I heard from friends and other people. None of the lines are meant to insult, degrade or hurt anyone.

If you have any lines that I can use please leave a comment. I will give credit the sender or the source.

  1. "Okay, okay! I take it back. Unf**k you!!!"

  2. "You say I'm a bitch/bastard like it's a bad thing?"

  3. "How many times do I have to flush before you go away?"

  4. "Well this day was a total waste of make-up"

  5. "Well aren't we a bloody ray of sunshine?"

  6. "Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."

  7. Bitch quote, bastard quote, sayings
    "You say being a bitch/bastard,
    like it is a bad thing?"

Stressed out because of money?
Updated by BrianMc

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